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martes, noviembre 13, 2012

Capitalismo y sorpresa electoral

En un momento de sinceridad, Paul Ryan reconoce que los resultados de las pasadas elecciones presidenciales los tomaron por sorpresa tanto a él como a su compañero de fórmula Mitt Romney: 
The polling we had. The numbers we were looking at looked like we stood a pretty good chance of winning... So, when the numbers came in, going the other direction. When we saw the turnout that was occurring in urban areas which were really fairly unprecedented, it did come as a bit of a shock. So, those are the toughest losses to have -- the ones that catch you by surprise.
Al respecto, Pete Bilderback considera adecuado hacer el siguiente comentario sarcástico al político republicano, admirador de La rebelión de Atlas:
Here's the beauty of what happened to these guys: They were victims of the pure free-market capitalism they espouse. They got fleeced by people acting out of pure self interest and no regard for the greater good. Ayn Rand would be proud.

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